A chance to visit...

The House & Garden Show is on its third day (7 more to go).  It is great to be playing 'shop shop'.  I found a old haberdashery counter which forms the front of my stand and being behind it gives me a glimpse of how it must feel to own a creative, shop space.  I will post some photos of the stand soon.

I have three sets of tickets to giveaway.  The first three people to mail me will receive them.  You can  use them today or during next week.  And just because I love you guys...I will throw in a little Cupcake Couture gift too.   *Update:  All the tickets have been given away.  Thank you for the great response.  Watch the blog next week as I will have another ticket giveaway then.

Just a reminder - we are based in the Homegrown Fair.